Internet of Things is all about “heterogeneous” and “aware” devices interacting to simplify people’s lives in some way or the other.
However, the IoT value chain is perhaps the most diverse and complicated value chain of any industry or consortium that exists in the world. In fact, the gold rush to IoT is so pervasive that if you combine much of the value chain of most industry trade associations, standards bodies, the ecosystem partners of trade associations and standards bodies, and then add in the different technology providers feeding those industries, you get closer to understanding the scope of the task.
Hence, in spite of so much hype and even genuine potential, the IoT paradigm has NOT proliferated in a true sense to its desired potential. Bringing the “Internet of Things” to life requires a comprehensive systems approach, inclusive of intelligent processing and sensing technology, connectivity, software, and services, along with a leading ecosystem of partners.
Closer at home, all predictions are unanimous in INDIAN Economy growing the Fastest in next few years and by 2030, India is predicted to be the Second Largest Economy. Shall our ESDM Ecosystem also be part of this growth story?

Narang N Kishor
Founder, Narnix Technolabs, Chairman of Sectional Committee on Smart Infrastructure, BIS
In fact, Indian Startups, Innovators, & even Serial Entrepreneurs are struggling to get a foothold in the Global Technology & Business Arena, more so in the IoT Market Place. And, this is in spite of all the Hype n Buzz about the IoT, Startups, Make in India, Electronics India, Skill India, Innovate In India, Stand up India… We are witnessing sluggishness and plenty of challenges at the ground level of these initiatives & ecosystems.
However, it is high time we try to bring some semblance into this chaotic paradigm by bringing the systems approach to understand and resolve this complex problem.
Hence, this year during the Keynote Panel Discussions we shall be discussing three crucial aspects of the IoT Paradigm that have major implications for the stakeholders to derive “Profit from IoT”, namely – Macro Dynamics, Design Competence & the Business Models.
The Macro Dynamics
Shifting Paradigms in – Strategies, Policies, Disruptive Technologies and
their impact on business revenue
Date: 26th Feb 2019, Time: 10:00 – 11:00, Venue: Conference Hall Kalam
Moderated by Narang N Kishor, Founder, Narnix Technolabs, Chairman of Sectional Committee on Smart Infrastructure, BIS
PVG Menon, Founder, and President, VANN Consulting
Eobin George, Director, PerfectFit Systems
C. Subramanian, Cloud Platform & Machine Learning Architect in Internet of Things , INTEL
Tulika Pandey, Director & Head, Cyber Security & Digital Village Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India
Arushi Thakur, Associate Director, Measurement & Instrumentation Practice Frost & Sullivan
Profit from IoT for different Nations, different Ecosystems & different Stakeholders is highly dependent on the Macro Dynamics in their respective environments.
A comprehensive environment scan of the Macro dynamics (within one’s Techno-socio- economic environment) can help understand their impact on any IoT organization’s business revenues and provide Actionable Insights to address the challenges and develop a long-term strategy and roadmap to evolve and mature into to sustainable IoT organization.
The panel discussion shall discuss along with known challenges in the Macro Dynamics of the IoT Paradigm in light of the shifting perspectives in the Disruptive Technologies globally and contextualize it in the National perspective bringing in the strategies & Policies perspective.
The distinguished Panelists shall provide some unique actionable insights to rise above these issues and stride forward to global leadership positions in the chosen domains.

Competence to Design & Innovate
Indian Design Engineers’ Skills –
Status Review, Challenges & Opportunities for growth in India
Date: 26th Feb 2019, Time: 10:00 – 11:00, Venue: Conference Hall Kalam
Moderated by Narang N Kishor, Founder, Narnix Technolabs, Chairman of Sectional Committee on Smart Infrastructure, BIS
Shailendra M, Global Black Belt Team-Technical Sales, Microsoft Azure IoT Cloud
Vivek Tyagi, Director – Business Development, Embedded, and Enterprise, Western Digital Corporation – India and South Asia Region.
B Vasu Dev, Director, Phytec
Ravindra Barlingay, General Manager, Innovative Embedded Devices (IED), Schneider Electric
Vinay Thapliyal, MCU Marketing Manager – Microcontrollers Division, STMicroelectronics, India
Every true IoT application or solution needs cross-domain expertise. Internet, per se, has been considered the forte and playing field of software professionals. But, IoT brings new challenges in the way of sensor fusion, communication technologies and energy/power management of the edge nodes. Unless a designer can design the most optimized edge nodes and communication nodes, the solution shall not pass the acid test of reliable and sustained performance in the field deployment environment.
India is today viewed as a country with the capability to design, develop and manufacture innovative products for sale in local as well as global markets. Research and development capabilities paired with engineering, software, and technology integration abilities are essential ingredients for manufacturing enterprises.
Some of the major Gap Areas in design skills in Indian Design Engineers are – Hardcore & Comprehensive Product/System design, Hardware Design, RF, Analog & Mixed Signal Designs and Reliability & Compliances issues in the design.
The panel discussion shall discuss along with known challenges, the chromosomes of Structured & Comprehensive Innovation encompassing Design in India – Evolving Entrepreneurs and Startups, Capacity Building & Skill Development, Creating Excellence IN Innovation, Patents & IPRs, Monetizing Patents.
The distinguished Panelists shall provide some unique actionable insights to build the Innovation temperament and Design Competence in the Design Engineers that could catapult them and their respective organizations to global leadership positions in the chosen domains.

Applications & Business Models
Reality check of the Hypes, Myths, Contemporary Practices and Imperatives
in the shifting Socio-Techno Scenario.
Moderated by Narang N Kishor, Founder, Narnix Technolabs, Chairman of Sectional Committee on Smart Infrastructure, BIS
KS Viswanathan, Vice President, Industry Initiatives, NASSCOM
Abhijit Lele, Principle consultant, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Rajeev Shorey, Principal Scientist, TCS Research and Innovation
Raghavan Sampath, Head of Business Development, NXP Semiconductors.
Virendra Chaudhari, IoT Sales Head – India, Intelligent Cloud, Microsoft
Most analysts project a 20% CAGR for IoT – and that’s a faster adoption rate than the growth of any economy – to some that means that things are not broken. However, the ground reality in India is a far cry from this rosy picture. All IoT companies are still struggling to get a foothold on the market.
Why so? Because the Internet of Things is all about “heterogeneous” and “aware” devices interacting to simplify people’s lives in some way or the other. And, the heterogeneity of the IoT paradigm has fragmented the market. In this absolutely heterogeneous scenario, coming up with common harmonized standards is a major hurdle. We need to see acceleration and a maturing of common standards, more cross-sector collaboration and creative approaches to business models – viable and acceptable business models of services based on the IoT. Convergence of the multitude of stakeholders of the IoT ecosystem to common business models and standards is a major imperative for the wide acceptance of the IoT wave by the masses.
The panel discussion shall discuss along with known challenges, some interesting applications and business models that could help the boost in business revenue in IoT business.
The distinguished Panelists shall provide some unique actionable insights to make our IoT & hence, the Electronics Industry become a Significant Contributor to Manufacturing Competitiveness of INDIA and build up a comprehensive “Indigenous Eco-System” to cater to the Local as well as Global NEEDS.