Dr. Prasant Misra
Senior Scientist, Tata Consultancy Services
About Speaker
Dr. Prasant Misra is a Senior Scientist at Tata Consultancy Services – Research, where he works on intelligent cyber physical systems for smart and sustainable mobility. He is a Visiting Faculty at the Robert Bosch Centre for CPS, IISc Bangalore. His current research is centred around modelling, optimization, and decision support for large-scale operations management of urban mobility and infrastructure systems.
Dr. Misra has 17+ years of professional experience. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Sydney and completed his Post-doctorate from RISE SICS Stockholm. He has been felicitated by numerous honours and awards for his work, of which it is noteworthy to mention the: MIT TR 35 – India “Top 10 Innovators under the age of 35 in India” and the TCS “Exemplary Contribution Award” in 2017; the ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” and “Marie Curie” Fellowship in 2012; and the Australian Government’s AusAID “Australian Leadership Awards” (for his potential to make substantial impact on social, economic, and development challenges of the Asia-Pacific region at a leadership level) in 2008.
Dr. Misra serves on the committees of various professional societies, SDOs, government agencies; and editorial boards. He is the Vice-Chair (Technical Activities) of IEEE Bangalore Section and an executive committee member of the COMSNETS Association. Previously, he has served as the Founding Chair of the India chapter of ACM SIGMOBILE (2019-20); and as Chair of IEEE Computer Society Bangalore Chapter (2022-23). He is the Chair of the Technical Subcommittee for IoT and PRSG member of NASSCOM-MeitY FutureSkills Prime; member of the MeitY working group on IoT based technologies for Smart Cities; and PRSG member of the MeitY project on the Development of Secure Post Quantum Public Key Infrastructure. Previously, he has served on BIS and ISO/IEC standards committees for smart cities and infrastructure (2016-18). He is on the editorial boards of Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal as Area Editor, and IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine as Associate Editor; and has previously served on the editorial board of IEEE Communications Magazine as Series Editor of Internet of Things (2019-2022). He is a senior member of the IEEE/IEEE Computer Society and ACM/ACM SIGMOBILE. He is an ACM Distinguished Speaker.
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