Director Technology- IoT | Rabyte
About Speaker
Dharmendra Kumar, I have 18+ year experience started from R&D to Application Development, Technical support, Business Development and IoT Digital Business Head working on IoT, MI, AI specially focus on wireless connectivity 2G/3G/4G/5G/LTE, Edge Computing, Cyber Security and ORAN. On EFY ITW (India Technology Week) many times I have given speaking talk and panel discussion on IoT and new technology platform.
IoT/M2M Architect, Technology platform and Market Research is area of interest on which I am working to do ramp up business growth. Achieved high degree of customer satisfaction by connecting with customers; Supported to customers attain achievable development plans, schedules, project outcomes, ensuring towards success with challenging IoT End to End product support. Also I am Technology Writer and Speaker
UPCOMING SESSION(S) by this Speaker
1. ROLE OF EDGE COMPUTING FOR 5G IOT DEPLOYMENT (Read more about this session)