Enable Smart Home Automation with IoT using Open Source Software
Date: & Time TBA
Venue: Workshop Room, KTPO, Whitefield, Bengaluru, India
(In addition to above, more time may be allocated by instructors for participants who want to do detailed study and Q&A)
- Engineering Students/IT Professionals/IoT Enthusiasts
- Basic programming knowledge (preferably C)
- ESP8266 WiFi 5V 1 Channel Relay Module
- NodeMcu ESP8266 V3 Lua CH340 Wifi Dev. Board
- DHT11 Temperature And Humidity Sensor Module with LED
- 8mm DIP LED Red – 10 Pcs.
- Male to Female Jumper Wires 40 Pin 30cm
- Male To Male Jumper Wires 40 Pcs 10cm
- Transparent 400 Points Solderless Breadboard
- Optional Hardware Components
- Arduino Uno R3 with Cable
- Infrared Obstacle Avoidance IR Sensor Module
- Software Components (To be installed on own laptop)
- Arduino IDE
- Mosquitto MQTT Broker
- OpenHAB
- InfluxDB
- Grafana
- Attendees should be able to create a basic home automation setup with relay switch and DHT11 sensor connected with NodeMCU to switch on or off an electrical appliance remotely as well as collect the ambient temperature and humidity data and trigger the switch based on that.
- Workshop Agenda: Immersive workshop to learn IoT and how to use it for developing real-world scenarios of smart home automation. Conducted by renowned author and architect (22 years experienced) with hands-on scenarios and detail know-how explaining code, circuits and architecture.
- Workshop Takeaways:
- Understand IoT and its Applications
- Learn how to implement smart home solution using open-source technologies.
- Learn how to Understand use of microcontrollers (ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino) and how to program them using Arduino IDE to integrate with relays and sensors.setup home automation server.
- Learn how to setup home automation server.
- This session would be a lecture+ live demo for those who do not bring the components.
- Dipankar Saha has 22+ years of IT experience working as Principal Architect & Practice Head for Industry 4.0 at Incture. He is an IoT enthusiast and smart home builder and author of several books on Industry 4.0 & IoT.